International GDR (IRN)

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Structured Electromagnetic Materials group

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Ørsteds Plads 345A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


  1. Martijn Wubs (group leader)
  2. Nicolas Stenger
  3. Sanshui Xiao

Research interests

In DTU’s Structured Electromagnetic Materials group, we study the quantum photonics of low-dimensional systems, in particular two-dimensional materials. We identify and study novel quantum light sources and their possible applications, both in the visible (color centers) and near-infrared (interlayer excitons) parts of the spectrum. We engineer the light-matter coupling of these quantum emitters with nanophotonic structures such as waveguides and optical cavities, with functional quantum photonic devices based on 2D materials as an ultimate aim. We do both experiments and theory. We have hands-on experience in preparing 2D materials and doing experiments including photon lifetime measurements, photon correlation measurements, and scattering near-field optical microscopy (sSNOM). We are interested in coherent operation and the possibility of collective emission and therefore want to understand and manipulate the effects of phonons on solid-state quantum emitters. Our research is strengthened and enriched by various international collaborations.

Key words

Quantum photonics - 2D Materials - Color centers - Interlayer excitons - Nanolasers - Collective emission - Macroscopic QED - Multiple scattering - Near-field optical microscopy - Open quantum systems