After years of research, new high-end applications of SWCNTs are emerging, often developed jointly between academic labs and industrial partners. Examples include SWCNT-based MOSFETs (TSMC), CNT-RAM non-volatile memories (Fujitsu), dense Nanotube mats for fuel cell electrodes (NAWA Technologies)...
This discussion will take place in Lyon from Monday, June 10th starting at 14:00, until Tuesday, June 11th at 17:30.
Visit the dedicated website
After years of research, new high-end applications of SWCNTs are emerging, often developed jointly between academic labs and industrial partners. Examples include SWCNT-based MOSFETs (TSMC), CNT-RAM non-volatile memories (Fujitsu), dense Nanotube mats for fuel cell electrodes (NAWA Technologies)...
This discussion will take place in Lyon from Monday, June 10th starting at 14:00, until Tuesday, June 11th at 17:30.
Visit the dedicated website
Lavoisier discussion GDR HOWDI/NAME : Thermal properties of 2D materials, Lyon, May 6-7, 2024
Lavoisier discussion GDR HOWDI/NAME : Thermal properties of 2D materials, Lyon, May 6-7, 2024
Inscriptions and poster submissions are now open for the joint-event GDR-NAME and GDR-HOWDI on Thermal Properties of 2D materials.
Please visit the website to register and submit your posters (registration deadline 19 April 2024).
The two-day workshop will take place in Lyon on May 6th and 7th, 2024, (starting at 12:00 PM on Monday and concluding around 4:00 PM on Tuesday)
The aim of this workshop is to provide a comprehensive overview of the thermal transport properties of 2D materials from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. Our focus will be on transport properties of 2D materials and heterostructures with detailed discussions on state-of-the-art techniques and future prospects.
Each session will feature keynote lectures followed by ample time for discussion, aiming to stimulate brainstorming and foster future collaborations at the intersection of these two communities.
The workshop will cover the following themes:
2D materials for thermal energy conversion
Phononics and straintronics of 2D materials
Thermal properties of 2D materials
Processing techniques to adapt thermal properties
Characterization techniques to probe thermal and acoustic properties
Simulation techniques from the atomic to the mesoscale
Industrial needs and future prospects
The confirmed guest speakers are
Oleg KOLOSOV (2D - 3D Materials for Energy and Thermal Transport)
Marianna SLEDZINSKA (Thermal Management)
Konstantinos PAPAGELIS (Straintronics)
Julien CHASTE (Elaboration and Measurements, 2D Transport, Microheaters)
Michele LAZZERI (ab initio simulations, sound and heat transport)
Emmanuel BAUDIN (Optics and electronics of 2D devices)
Paolo BONDAVALLI (2D Topological Materials)
Jerome SAINT-MARTIN (Monte Carlo thermal transport and thermoelectrics)
Roberto D’AGOSTA (ab initio simulations, electronic and thermal transport)
Olivier BOURGEOIS (Thermal measurements)
A Summer School on optical spectroscopies of 1D & 2D nanostructures will be organized by the Laboratoire Charles Coulomb at Montpellier from the 1st to the 5 th of July at the Faculté des Sciences of the Université of Montpellier.
The annual meeting of the GDR and IRN HOWDI will be held in Luxembourg Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2024. Abstract deadline : 22 May 2024.
The annual meeting of the GDR and IRN HOWDI will be held in Luxembourg Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2024. Abstract deadline : 22 May 2024.
The official colloquium website is now online and can be reached using the link:
Discussion Lavoisier sur la synthèse chimique de nano-graphène et matériaux affiliés
Discussion Lavoisier sur la synthèse chimique de nano-graphène et matériaux affiliés
On January 22nd and 23rd, a Lavoisier discussion will be held on Bottom-up Synthesis of Graphene Related Materials on the plateau de Saclay (south-west of Paris area), France.
For all details, please visit our website.
The bottom-up synthesis of graphene related materials such as graphene quantum dots, nanoribbons and nanomeshes (GQD, GNR and GNM) is an extremely prolific field of research. Materials with highly controlled structures and properties have been developed by “on-surface” synthesis or by synthesis in solution. This workshop aims at federating the French and European communities working in this field through tutorials and presentations of the most recent results. It is dedicated not only to confirmed researchers in the field but also to young researchers who want to initiate projects on this topic and take part of this activity.
The workshop is organized by IRAMIS (CEA Paris-Saclay) and LuMIn (ENS Paris-Saclay) and will take place in the new building of the ENS Paris-Saclay.
Lavoisier discussions series are prospective workshops on research areas covered by the national research group (GDR) and the international coordination network (IRN) related to low-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures HOWDI..
The two groupements de recherche (GDRs), NS-CPU (Nanosciences with near-field microscopies under ultra high vacuum) and HOWDI (Heterostructures of van der Waals materials with low dimensionality) jointly organise a two-half-days workshop. The objects of interest, 2D materials and their heterostructures, are essentially surfaces. They are hence ideally suited to investigations with high-resolution local probes.
The two groupements de recherche (GDRs), NS-CPU (Nanosciences with near-field microscopies under ultra high vacuum) and HOWDI (Heterostructures of van der Waals materials with low dimensionality) jointly organise a two-half-days workshop. The objects of interest, 2D materials and their heterostructures, are essentially surfaces. They are hence ideally suited to investigations with high-resolution local probes.
Topics covered by the workshop :
Photonics, including single-photon sources, exciton localisation, role of electrostatic disorder
Magnetism, including isolated or in-interaction spins, magnons and moiré effects
Electronic correlations, including spin impurities in 2D semiconductors, superconductivity, charge density waves
Location : Université de Paris Cité (Paris 13eme), 6-7 Feb. 2024
The 13th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in-person at the Engineering Building A of the University of Manchester (UK): June 27-30, 2023.
The 13th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in-person at the Engineering Building A of the University of Manchester (UK): June 27-30, 2023.
The 13th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in-person at the Engineering Building A of the University of Manchester (UK): June 27-30, 2023. Over the past editions, the Graphene Conference strengthened its position as the main European in-person meeting point of the Graphene community.
Following the success of previous editions, the INDUSTRIAL FORUM will keep the 2 days format (June 28-29, 2023) and will present the most recent advances in technology developments and business opportunities in graphene commercialization. Key representatives of “graphene companies” will share their market vision and business opportunities, while selected talks from industrial exhibitors will present commercial showcases in all current market fields of graphene products.
A Brokerage event (one-to-one meetings) will be organised within Graphene2023 in Manchester on Thursday June 29, 2023 to encourage companies, universities and research centers to foster technical cooperation in the field.
Graphene2013 is an event supported by GDR HOWDI : 12 grants for PhDs and postdocs are available upon application.
Contact person: Dr. Antonio Correia (Phantoms Foundation, Spain) –
Hexagonal Boron Nitride: New Theory Developments on a Well-Known 2D Material
Department of Physics and Materials Science
University of Luxembourg
Hexagonal Boron Nitride: New Theory Developments on a Well-Known 2D Material
Department of Physics and Materials Science
University of Luxembourg
Next virtual seminar of the GDR : 6 March 2023, 13h30
Hexagonal Boron Nitride: New Theory Developments on a Well-Known 2D Material
Department of Physics and Materials Science
University of Luxembourg
Layered hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) is often used as a flat, clean, and well-insulating substrate for the investigation of graphene or other 2D materials. But its intrinsic optical properties - in the deep UV - are interesting by itself: the strong luminescence and its potential for UV-lasing was discovered in 2004 [1] by the group who still distributes high-quality samples of hBN to the whole 2D community. The presence of huge excitonic effects in bulk hBN was theoretically established by ab-initio calculations [2]. Soon afterwards, it was established that the binding energy in single-layer hBN is even 3 times higher [3]. Since then, the surprising complexity of the luminescence spectra of this seemingly simple material (with only 4 atoms per unit-cell for bulk hBN and 2 atoms for monolayer hBN) has attracted a lot of attention by theoretical and experimental groups likewise. A lot of the recent progress on this material has been achieved by (or in collaboration with) French research groups.
I will discuss the role of crystal symmetry in the optical spectra of hBN and explain how to understand the luminescence of different phases of BN from a theoretical/computational perspective, taking into account the strong excitonic effects and its coupling with phonons. I will give a perspective on non-adiabatic effects in the Raman spectra of bulk hBN and on the understanding of the substrate-dependence of the luminescence spectra of mono-layer hBN.
[1] K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi and H. Kanda,
Direct-bandgap properties and evidence for ultraviolet lasing of hexagonal boron nitride single crystal,
Nature Materials 3, 404–409 (2004).
[2] B. Arnaud, S. Lebègue, P. Rabiller, and M. Alouani,
Huge Excitonic Effects in Layered Hexagonal Boron Nitride,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 026402 (2006).
[3] L. Wirtz, A. Marini, and A. Rubio,
Excitons in Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Dimensionality Effects,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 126104 (2006).
Zoom connection info :
Time: Mar 6, 2023 01:30 PM Paris
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 934 5869 4522
Passcode: 330150
The GDR HOWDI, with support from CNRS, organizes an international thematic school on "Advanced physics of van der Waals hetero-structures" in Roscoff (France) from 23 sept. to 1 oct. 2023
The next edition of the NT conferences series will be held in Arcachon, France, June 4-9, 2003.
The next edition of the NT conferences series will be held in Arcachon, France, June 4-9, 2003.
NT’23 conference
(23rd International Conference on the Science and
Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials)
will be held at the Conference Center in the seaside town of Arcachon,
near Bordeaux, France, June 4-9, 2023.
Important Dates
Note that due to physical space limitations, the total number of attendees cannot extend over 350 people. Registration will be granted upon first come first serve policy.
Keynotes speakers (confirmed):
Click here for more information
The annual meeting of the GDR will take place from 8 – 12 May 2023 in Porquerolles (Mediterranean sear shore)
All information is available here:
Important dates :
03/03/2023 - Abstract Submission Deadline
03/04/2023 - Inscription and payment deadline
Marcello Lopes (Berlin, Germany)
"Epitaxial Growth of 2D Materials and Heterostructures"
Thu 2 Feb. 2023 (11h)
Marcello Lopes (Berlin, Germany)
"Epitaxial Growth of 2D Materials and Heterostructures"
Thu 2 Feb. 2023 (11h)
Next virtual meeting the GDR HOWDI will be held online
Thursday, February 2nd, 2023 at 11h
Marcelo Lopes (Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik, Berlin, Germany)
Epitaxial Growth of 2D Materials and Heterostructures
Abstract :
Van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures combining different 2D materials
have a great prospect for the realization of atomically thin devices
with tailored properties. To achieve a high density, bottom-up
integration, the synthesis of such heterostructures
via vdW epitaxy is a promising alternative to layer transfer, which is
problematic in terms of scaling and reproducibility. Nevertheless, due
to the weak bonding between 2D crystals, vdW epitaxy is sensitive to
various surface defects, usually leading to uncontrolled nucleation and
thus non-uniform growth of polycrystalline material. In this talk, I
will present results on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) of hexagonal boron
nitride (h-BN) on graphene/SiC(0001). Specifically, I will discuss how
defect engineering in graphene can be employed to exert the control over
nucleation and thus to realize selective area growth of h-BN. In
addition, I will show our recent studies on ferromagnetic vdW
heterostructures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and high
transition temperatures, which were realized via MBE growth of the novel
2D ferromagnetic metal Fe5-xGeTe2 (FGT, with 0 ≤ x ≤ 2) on graphene as
well as h-BN templates.
Connexion info :
Time: Feb 2, 2023 11:00 AM Paris
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 956 2721 5262
Passcode: 969980
"Probing Magnetism in van der Waals Crystals with Magnetotransport "
Tuesday Oct. 4, 11h
"Probing Magnetism in van der Waals Crystals with Magnetotransport "
Tuesday Oct. 4, 11h
Next virtual seminar of the GDR HOWDI
Nicolas Ubrig : "Probing Magnetism in van der Waals Crystals with Magnetotransport "
Time: Oct 4, 2022 11:00 AM Paris
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 931 5585 6365
Passcode: 197463
One tap mobile
+33170372246,,93155856365# France
+33170379729,,93155856365# France
Abstract :
Probing magnetism in atomically thin van der Waals crystals is challenging because most experimental methods commonly employed to study bulk compounds are not sufficiently sensitive to detect any magnetic signal from such a small amount of material. Here, we will discuss how magnetotransport experiments can circumvent this issue in rather simple Ising type ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic insulators. Moreover, the complementarity of magnetotransport and magneto-optical probes allows determining the phase diagram of more complex magnetic structures of atomically thin crystals. We will conclude the talk by discussing interesting newly discovered atomically thin materials in which we probe the coupling between magnetic and electronic properties.
Strasbourg, 23-24 Jan. 2023
Strasbourg, 23-24 Jan. 2023
On January 23rd and 24th 2023, a Lavoisier discussion on 2D magnetic materials will take place in Strasbourg.
The recent demonstration of an intrinsic magnetic order in atomically-thin van der Waals materials opens a vast playground to understand and control magnetism at the nanoscale. This nascent class of materials offers a broad variety of magnetic orders, from textbook phenomenology to more exotic spin states. 2D magnetic materials can be embedded in van der Waals heterostructures, wherein novel spintronic and nano-photonic phenomena emerge, fostering breakthroughs in fundamental sciences as well as engineering of future ultrathin devices.
This workshop aims at federating the French community working on this burgeoning field of research, on a short format conducive to discussions. The program will feature three tutorial talks on specific topics given by experts as well as contributed oral and poster presentations of recent results.
Lavoisier discussions are prospective workshops on an emergent research area covered by the national research group (GDR) and the international coordination network (IRN) related to low-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures HOWDI. The event is organized by IPCMS, a research institute co-hosted by CNRS & Université de Strasbourg.
Abstract submission and registration will open in October 2022
Quantum emitters in 2D
CRHEA, Côte d’Azur, 9-11 Jan. 2023
Quantum emitters in 2D
CRHEA, Côte d’Azur, 9-11 Jan. 2023
Save the date.
More information here.
Engineering intrinsic π-electron magnetism in atomically-precise carbon nanostructures
11 mars 2022, 11h00.
Engineering intrinsic π-electron magnetism in atomically-precise carbon nanostructures
11 mars 2022, 11h00.
Next virtual seminar of the GDR HOWDI :
Roman FASEL - Engineering intrinsic π-electron magnetism in atomically-precise carbon nanostructures
Please check the attached abstract.
Connection information :
Heure : 8 avril 2022 11:00 AM Paris
ID de réunion : 998 7239 1294
Code secret : b0tbYx
« 2D materials for optoelectronics and spin/valley-tronics » : a mini-colloque at « Journées de la Matière Condensée » (JMC2022) to be held in Lyon on Aug. 22-26, 2022.
« 2D materials for optoelectronics and spin/valley-tronics » : a mini-colloque at « Journées de la Matière Condensée » (JMC2022) to be held in Lyon on Aug. 22-26, 2022.
A mini-colloquium on « 2D materials for optoelectronics and spin/valley-tronics » will be held at the « Journées de la Matière Condensée » (JMC2022) that will take place in Lyon on Aug. 22-26, 2022 (
Please check the details in the attached file :
A Summer School on Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopies on Low Dimensional Systems will be organized in Montpellier from the 04 to 08 of July 2022.
Registration is now open!
A Summer School on Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopies on Low Dimensional Systems will be organized in Montpellier from the 04 to 08 of July 2022.
Registration is now open!
A Summer School on Low Dimensional Systems will be organized in Montpellier from the 04 to 08 of July 2022. This school aims to provide the theoretical and methodological basis of Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopies on carbon nanotubes, graphene, TMD... Oral presentations will address fundamental lectures on the physical processes, more applied lessons will display examples illustrated by practicals.
The specificity of this training is to combine theoretical courses and practicals. It will benefit from the knowledge of several experts in the field. This session will be able to welcome a maximum of 25 people (researchers, engineers and doctoral students...). This school is for beginners in this field as well as those who want to update their knowledge. It will be held in english.
Quantum spins and hybridization in artificially-constructed chains of magnetic adatoms on superconducting 2H-NbSe 2
Tuesday, 8 Feb 2022, 11h
Quantum spins and hybridization in artificially-constructed chains of magnetic adatoms on superconducting 2H-NbSe 2
Tuesday, 8 Feb 2022, 11h
Next virtual seminar of the GDR HOWDI is scheduled on Tuesday 8 February 2022 at 11h.
Katharina FRANKE (Freie Universitaet, Berlin)
"Quantum spins and hybridization in artificially-constructed chains of magnetic adatoms on superconducting 2H-NbSe_2”
Abstract :
Magnetic adatom chains on superconducting substrates are promising platforms for topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes. Signatures of these have been found in densely packed chains with direct exchange interaction among the adatoms. In contrast, the dilute limit of chains, where the atoms are sufficiently far spaced that direct hybridization of their d orbitals is negligible, but close enough for substrate-mediated interactions, has not been investigated previously. Engineering dilute adatom chains with substantial substrate-mediated interactions requires samples sustaining long-range Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states. While these decay
quickly with 1/ 𝑘 𝑟 (with 𝑘 being the Fermi wave vector and 𝑟 the distance to the impurity) on three-dimensional superconductors, the decay of YSR states on two-dimensional superconductors is much slower, scaling with 1/√ 𝑘 𝑟 [1].
Here, we explore the well known quasi-two-dimensional superconductor 2H-NbSe 2 as a substrate for magnetic adatom structures. Individual Fe atoms induce Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states, which spatially extend over several nanometers with their energy and symmetry influenced by the crystal field and by the co-existing charge-density wave (CDW) [2]. When two Fe atoms are placed on equivalent adsorption sites at a distance of 1 nm, the YSR states are shifted in energy and split. While the splitting indicates hybridization of the YSR states, the strong shift can only be explained by RKKY coupling of quantum spins [3]. We deliberately increase the chain length by adding individual Fe atoms with the STM tip, up to a length of 51 atoms. In each step we track the evolution of the YSR states. We find signatures of YSR band formation consistent with ferromagnetic coupling of quantum spins [4].
[1] G. C. Ménard, et al., Nat. Phys. 11, 1013 (2015).
[2] E. Liebhaber et al., Nano Lett. 20, 339 (2020).
[3] E. Liebhaber, et al., arxiv2107.06361 (2021).
[4] J. F. Steiner, et al., arxiv2107.00031 (2021).
Connection information:
Sujet : GDR HOWDI SEMINAR - Katharina FRANKE - Quantum spins and hybridization in artificially-constructed chains of magnetic adatoms on superconducting 2H-NbSe2
8 févr. 2022 11:00 AM Paris
meeting ID : 955 0678 4928
Code secret : uJ8QWP
The annual meeting of the GDR and GDR-I Graphene and co will be held in Dourdan (Paris area), May 9-13, 2022.
The annual meeting of the GDR and GDR-I Graphene and co will be held in Dourdan (Paris area), May 9-13, 2022.
We are happy to announce that the annual meeting initially scheduled in 2020 will finally take place in Dourdan (Paris area) May 9-13, 2022.
Practical information will be posted shortly here.
The GDR pays tribute to one of its recently deceased members.
The GDR pays tribute to one of its recently deceased members.
François Ducastelle left us abruptly on July 2nd.
We extend our condolences to his family and loved ones.
A distinguished member of our GDR for years, we would like to pay tribute to him and pay tribute to his many scientific contributions at the occasion of several events this year.
The Graphene 2021 conference, held in Grenoble in October 2021, was dedicated to him. An address in his homage was made at the opening of the conference.
A special session will be dedicated to him at our next annual meeting in May 2022 in Dourdan.
A page in his memory is available on the website of his laboratory.
Your testimonials can be placed in an electronic book.
Proximity effects in van der Waals heterostructures
Friday, 3 dec 2021, 14h
Proximity effects in van der Waals heterostructures
Friday, 3 dec 2021, 14h
Next virtual seminar of the GDR HOWDI is scheduled on friday 3 decembre 2021 at 14h.
Sergio Valenzuela (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain)
"Proximity effects in van der Waals heterostructures”
Abstract :
The isolation of a large variety of two-dimensional materials (2DM) and their co-integration in van der Waals heterostructures has opened new avenues for innovative material design and engineering. In particular, the structural interface quality in the atomically smooth 2DMs allows us to imprint properties of interest in a chosen 2DM by proximity-induced effects. Such an approach is particularly compelling for spintronic devices, which harness their functionality from thin layers of magnetic and non-magnetic materials and their interfaces [1]. In this talk, I will present recent experiments in which we investigate the spin dynamics in graphene-transition metal dichalcogenides heterostructures. I will show that the spin-orbit coupling in graphene can be strongly enhanced by proximity effects. As a consequence, the spin relaxation becomes highly anisotropic, with spin lifetimes that are markedly different depending on the spin orientation [2,3]. I will further demonstrate that the proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling leads to strongly enhanced spin-to-charge interconversion [4]. By performing spin precession experiments in appropriately designed Hall bars, we are able to separate the contributions of the spin Hall and the spin galvanic effects. Remarkably, their corresponding conversion efficiencies can be tailored by electrostatic gating in magnitude and sign, peaking near the graphene charge neutrality point and having a large magnitude even at room temperature.
[1] J. F. Sierra et al, Nature Nanotechnol. 16, 856 (2021).
[2] L. A. Benítez et al., Nature Phys. 14 (2018)
[3] L. A. Benítez, et al., APL Materials 7, 120701 (2019)
[4] L. A. Benítez et al., Nature Mater. 19, 170 (2020)
Connection information:
Sujet : GDR HOWDI SEMINAR - Sergio O. Valenzuela - Proximity effects in van der Waals heterostructures
Time : 3 déc. 2021 01:50 PM Paris
ID de réunion : 943 4802 7597
Code secret : 4bZgs8
"Heterostrain determines the flatbands in twisted gaphene layers.”
"Heterostrain determines the flatbands in twisted gaphene layers.”
The next virtual seminar of the GDR HOWDI is scheduled for tuesday november 9, 2021 at14h.
Speaker : Vincent Renard (Grenoble, France)
"Heterostrain determines the flatbands in twisted gaphene layers.”
Abstract :
The strongly correlated electron physics recently observed in twisted graphene layers develops in flat bands , which are very sensitive to the relative arrangement between the layers. The twist angle as attracted most of the attention as it is the leading structural parameter. Heterostrain, the in-plane deformation of one layer with respect to the other, is an ubiquitous source of modification of the relative arrangement between the layers which effect has been much less investigated. Performing a detailed meta-analysis of published scanning tunneling microscope data, I will show that heterostrain allows to understand quantitatively the large sample variability observed in experiments in the non interacting limit and raises the question of its influence on strongly correlated electron phases.
Connect via zoom :
ID de réunion : 971 7978 1921
Code secret : Cn3vKz
"Unveiling excitonic properties of magnons in a quantum Hall ferromagnet."
"Unveiling excitonic properties of magnons in a quantum Hall ferromagnet."
The next virtual meeting of the GDR HOWDI will be given by Preden Rouleau (CEA) next Tuesday (July 20) at 11h.
"Unveiling excitonic properties of magnons in a quantum Hall ferromagnet."
Zoom connection informations are attached below.
Abstract of the talk :
Magnons enable transferring a magnetic moment or spin over macroscopic distance. In quantum Hall ferromagnets, it has been predicted in the early 90s [1] that spin and charge are entangled, meaning that any change of the spin texture modifies the charge distribution. As a direct consequence of this entanglement, magnons carry an electric dipole moment. Here we report the first evidence of the existence of this electric dipole moment in a graphene quantum Hall ferromagnet [2,3] using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer as a quantum sensor. As magnons propagate towards the interferometer across the insulating bulk, their electric dipole moment modifies the Aharonov-Bohm flux through the interferometer, affecting both the phase and visibility of the interferences. In particular, we relate the phase shift to the sign of this electric dipole moment, the exponential loss of visibility to the flux of emitted magnons, and we show that the magnon emission is a Poissonian process. Finally, we probe the emission energy threshold of the magnons close to filling factor ν=1. For transient states, between ν=0 and ν=1, we observe that the emission energy threshold diminishes towards zero, which might be linked to the emergence of gapless mode predicted in the canted-antiferromagnetic (CAF) phase at ν=0 [4-5]. Being able to couple the spin degree of freedom to an electrostatic potential is a remarkable property of quantum Hall ferromagnets that could be very promising for spintronics.
[1] Sondhi, S. L., Karlhede, A., Kivelson, S. A. & Rezayi, E. H. Skyrmions and the crossover from the integer to fractional quantum Hall effect at small Zeeman energies. Phys. Rev. B 47, 16419–16426 (1993).
[2] Yang, K., Das Sarma, S. & MacDonald, A. H. Collective modes and skyrmion excitations in graphene SU (4) quantum Hall ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 74, (2006).
[3] Wei, N., Huang, C. & MacDonald, A. H. Scattering of magnons at graphene quantum-Hall-magnet junctions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 117203 (2021)
[4] Brey, L., Fertig, H. A., Côté, R. & MacDonald, A. H. Skyrme Crystal in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2562–2565 (1995).
[5] Jolicoeur, T. & Pandey, B. Quantum Hall skyrmions at ν=0,±1 in monolayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 100, (2019).
Sujet : Séminaire GDR HOWDI - Preden ROULLEAU 20/07 11am
Heure : 20 juil. 2021 11:00 AM Paris
Monday, June 17, 2021 (14h) :
Spin and valley properties in transition metal dichalcogenide: from monolayers to hybrid structures
See détails here
Monday, June 17, 2021 (14h) :
Spin and valley properties in transition metal dichalcogenide: from monolayers to hybrid structures
See détails here
Starting May 2021, the GDR HOWDI offers its members a monthly virtual meeting with a guest speaker followed by a debate.
Starting May 2021, the GDR HOWDI offers its members a monthly virtual meeting with a guest speaker followed by a debate.
To break the scientific isolation in this period of pandemic, the GDR HOWDI offers its members a monthly virtual meeting with a guest speaker followed by a debate. The themes of the 4 axes of the GDR will be covered in turn and special attention will be given to the participation of young researchers (doctoral student at the end of their thesis or postdoc).
The first edition will take place on Friday May 21 with the participation of Piran Kidambi (Vanderbilt Univ., USA)
The zoom link will be sent via the GDR newsletter and on this web page.
Do not hesitate to send us your suggestions of speakers for the next editions
Wednesday afternoon, March 24th, 2021
Due to the ongoing sanitary crisis, it is still impossible to gather the community of our new GDR "HOWDI" physically. However, we will celebrate this new start with a short virtual kick-off meeting, on Wed. March 24, 2021 afternoon. The program of the meeting will be announced shortly; it will consist of a general presentation of the thematic lines of the new GDR, a series of selected focused scientific talks and an open discussion about your needs and wishes for the future of the GDR.
Wednesday afternoon, March 24th, 2021
Due to the ongoing sanitary crisis, it is still impossible to gather the community of our new GDR "HOWDI" physically. However, we will celebrate this new start with a short virtual kick-off meeting, on Wed. March 24, 2021 afternoon. The program of the meeting will be announced shortly; it will consist of a general presentation of the thematic lines of the new GDR, a series of selected focused scientific talks and an open discussion about your needs and wishes for the future of the GDR.
Please check the preliminary program here.
To join the meeting please use this zoom link
ID de réunion : 831 4177 7570 ; Code secret : 956936
HOWDI: HeterOstructures of van der Waals materials with low DImensionality
For the coming five years, our network (GDR after "groupement de recherche") will cover the study of van der Waals heterostructures, following four main directions:
synthesis, nanofabrication, caracterisations
electronic transport and its relationship with other fields
optics, excitonics, photonics
magnetism, spintronics, electronic correlations
HOWDI: HeterOstructures of van der Waals materials with low DImensionality
For the coming five years, our network (GDR after "groupement de recherche") will cover the study of van der Waals heterostructures, following four main directions:
synthesis, nanofabrication, caracterisations
electronic transport and its relationship with other fields
optics, excitonics, photonics
magnetism, spintronics, electronic correlations
The 2021 NT Conference will be hosted virtually June 6-11, 2021 at Rice University.
Guest speakers and presenters will host virtual discussions, poster presentations, and networking opportunities remotely from around the world.
Registration, abstract submission, and ticket purchase for NT21 will open in the coming weeks. Make sure to visit for the most up to date information on submissions and registration.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please email
Help us build the new GDR for 2021
Help us build the new GDR for 2021
The National part of the GDR "graphene and co" expires at the end of 2020. We are currently building a new GDR project. This concerns only french teams. The internation GDR remains active for the next years.
If you want to help or join the network, please contact us at :
christophe.voisin at
Villard de Lans, France Jan 20-22, 2020
Graphene&co and Pulse organize a focused workshop on the growth of emergent 2D materials.
The graphene conference will be held in Grenoble (France) June 2-5, 2020
The graphene conference will be held in Grenoble (France) June 2-5, 2020
Annual Graphene conference, Grenoble, France, June 2-5, 2020
The 10th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in Grenoble (France) from the 2nd until the 5th of June 2020.
Graphene2020 will cover again the whole value chain of “Graphene and 2D Materials Innovation” from most recent scientific discoveries to breakthroughs in large scale material production and integration towards the development of innovative and competitive commercial applications.
Graphene2020 recent updates:
3 Nobel Keynotes (K. von Klitzing, A. Fert and A. Geim)
85 Invited Speakers (expected)
40-50 Exhibitors (expected)
6 Parallel Workshops
1 Industrial Forum to get an updated understanding of Graphene
based technologies from worldwide industries
1 Brokerage event to foster technical cooperation in the field of Graphene
Regarding the GDR-I community, the GDR "Graphene and co" offers grants to support the participation of PhD students by raising the
registration fees. Details are here.
Do not hesitate to apply directly on the graphene2020 website !!
The annual meeting 2019 of our research network will be held in Bad Herrenalb (in the German Black Forest, right at the French border), oct. 27-30, 2019. See more...
The annual meeting 2019 of our research network will be held in Bad Herrenalb (in the German Black Forest, right at the French border), oct. 27-30, 2019. See more...
Annual Graphene conference, Roma, Italia, June 25-28, 2019
Annual Graphene conference, Roma, Italia, June 25-28, 2019
The 9th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in Roma (Italy) from the 25th until the 28th of June 2019.
Graphene2019 will cover again the whole value chain of “Graphene and 2D Materials Innovation” from most recent scientific discoveries to breakthroughs in large scale material production and integration towards the development of innovative and competitive commercial applications.
Graphene2019 recent updates:
Regarding the GDR-I community, the GDR "Graphene and co" offers
13 grants to support the participation of PhD students by raising the
registration fees. Details are here.
In addition to 20 grants are offered by the Graphene2019 organization
to support travel expenses. Do not hesitate to apply !!
IC2N, Barcelona, May 8-9, 2019
IC2N, Barcelona, May 8-9, 2019
In the series of the Lavoisier discussions organized by the GGR and GDR-I, a 2 days meeting on Quantum simulations in 2D materials will be held in IC2N (BellaTerra, Barcelona, Spain) on May 8-9, 2019.
All practical information is here.
The next Lavoisier discussion will be devoted to a special 2D material : hBN (hexagonal boron nitride).
It will be held, Nov. 8-9, 2018 in Montpellier. See more.
The next Lavoisier discussion will be devoted to a special 2D material : hBN (hexagonal boron nitride).
It will be held, Nov. 8-9, 2018 in Montpellier. See more.
A 3 days Lavoisier discussion on the noncovalent functionalization of nanotubes with molecules will be organized in Paris, June 20-22, 2018.
A 3 days Lavoisier discussion on the noncovalent functionalization of nanotubes with molecules will be organized in Paris, June 20-22, 2018.
Abstract submission is now open for the next “Journées de la Matière Condensée” in Grenoble. You are welcome to submit a contribution to the "2D Materials and their heterostructures" session organized with GDR Graphene & Co.
Abstract submission is now open for the next “Journées de la Matière Condensée” in Grenoble. You are welcome to submit a contribution to the "2D Materials and their heterostructures" session organized with GDR Graphene & Co.
Dear Colleagues,
From 27 to 31 August, Grenoble holds the biennial conference, the “Journées de la Matière Condensée” (JMC), or Condensed Matter Days in english, organized by the Société Française de Physique:
This 16th edition will welcome more than 600 participants. There will be 10 plenary and 15 semi-plenary talks. However a large part of the program is dedicated to mini-colloquia (thematic sessions), which are an occasion to unit members of specific scientific communities.
Colloquium named "2D Materials and their heterostructures" is organized by GDR Graphene & Co represented by Emmanuel Baudin, Nedjma Bendiab, and Julien Renard ( We invite you to submit an abstract on your research for an oral or a poster presentation.
DATE LIMIT: 15 April 2018
In the hope of seeing you at the next JMC in Grenoble.
Olivier Sandre (President of the Condensed Matter Division of the SFP)
Robert Whitney (President of the Grenoble organizing committee)
Laëtitia Marty (President of the Alps section of the SFP)
A special issue of the "Journal of Raman Spectroscopy", edited by several members of the GDR (JL Sauvajol, R. Parret, M. Paillet) and P. Colomban (UPMC) is available online (free access) at :
An international thematic school "Frontier research in 2D materials" will be organized in the CNRS center of Cargese, April 2-13, 2018. More here.
An international thematic school "Frontier research in 2D materials" will be organized in the CNRS center of Cargese, April 2-13, 2018. More here.
Application opening by mid-december 2017on this web site .
The 8th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in Dresden (Germany) from the 26th until the 29th of June 2018. Over the past 7 editions, the Graphene Conference strengthened its position as the main meeting point of the Graphene community Worldwide.
The 8th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in Dresden (Germany) from the 26th until the 29th of June 2018. Over the past 7 editions, the Graphene Conference strengthened its position as the main meeting point of the Graphene community Worldwide.
The Nanométrologie club opens a specific reflexion axis on 2D materials. Our community is invited to express its needs and thoughts in an open online survey (french only).
The Nanométrologie club opens a specific reflexion axis on 2D materials. Our community is invited to express its needs and thoughts in an open online survey (french only).
The Nanométrologie club opens a specific reflexion axis on 2D materials. Our community is invited to express its needs and thoughts in an open online survey (french only).
The next annual meeting of the GDR and GDR-I will be hosted in the CNRS resort center Paul Langevin in Aussois, in the French Alps. (15-19 October 2017)
The next annual meeting of the GDR and GDR-I will be hosted in the CNRS resort center Paul Langevin in Aussois, in the French Alps. (15-19 October 2017)
More informations : Click here
A meeting, dedicated to the use of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes in industrial applications will be organised on Tuesday April 4th 2017 at CNRS Meudon-Bellevue Campus, conveniently reachable ( 20mins) by train from Gare de Montparnasse (Paris, France).
A meeting, dedicated to the use of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes in industrial applications will be organised on Tuesday April 4th 2017 at CNRS Meudon-Bellevue Campus, conveniently reachable ( 20mins) by train from Gare de Montparnasse (Paris, France).
Scope :
The scope of this meeting is to disseminate the results of the research activity performed within the EU/Japan funded IRENA project, Indium REplaced by Single Walled Carbon NAnotube Thin Films, briefly described in the attached flyer. The goal is to bring together academic researchers with engineers, and industrial decision makers already using, planning to use or simply interested in implementing Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes in their technologies and products. A number of leading European and Japanese companies already producing and selling Single Walled Carbon Nanotube based products have already announced their participation.
You are cordially invited to join this event. Should you be interested to participate, we simply ask you to contact us by e-mail. A program and registration form will be e-mailed within the next two weeks. Please forward this mail to any other members of your organization and colleagues who might be interested.
Contacts :
Dr Christophe Bichara (; +33 6 62 92 28 73)
Dr Hakim Amara (; + 33 1 46 73 48 90)
Dr Annick Loiseau (; + 33 1 46 73 44 53)
The 7th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in Barcelona (Spain) from the 28th until the 31st of March 2017. Over the past 6 editions, the Graphene Conference strengthened its position as the main meeting point of the Graphene community Worldwide.
The 7th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in Barcelona (Spain) from the 28th until the 31st of March 2017. Over the past 6 editions, the Graphene Conference strengthened its position as the main meeting point of the Graphene community Worldwide.
Millie Dresselhaus died earlier on Monday 20th February at the Mount Auburn Hospital surrounded by her family and other people she loved. Her funeral will be arranged for this Wednesday at MIT (by Jewish tradition this must happen very soon).
We are indebted so much to her for all she has done in the field of graphite and related materials and how she has inspired researches worldwide with an amazing energy and vision during fifty years.
Millie Dresselhaus died earlier on Monday 20th February at the Mount Auburn Hospital surrounded by her family and other people she loved. Her funeral will be arranged for this Wednesday at MIT (by Jewish tradition this must happen very soon).
We are indebted so much to her for all she has done in the field of graphite and related materials and how she has inspired researches worldwide with an amazing energy and vision during fifty years.
The plan at MIT is to celebrate Millie’s life at a larger gathering in the future. Memorial sessions will be organized at the next Graphene conference 2017 at Bercelona next March at the Conference NT17 in June at Belo Horizonte in Brazil.
The story on the MIT website provides some broad information, in addition to MIT-specific details
The coordinators of the GDR/GDR-I Graphene and co
The annual meeting 2018 of our research network will be held in Sète (on the Mediterranean seashore), oct. 15-19, 2018.
All information here
The annual meeting 2018 of our research network will be held in Sète (on the Mediterranean seashore), oct. 15-19, 2018.
All information here
Welcome to the website of the annual meeting of the GDR-I GNT !
The conference will be held in « Village de Vacances la Vieille Perrotine », in Saint Pierre d’Oléron, France, from October 9 to October 13, 2016.
Welcome to the website of the annual meeting of the GDR-I GNT !
The conference will be held in « Village de Vacances la Vieille Perrotine », in Saint Pierre d’Oléron, France, from October 9 to October 13, 2016.
For more informations, please visit the website here